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Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown

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Sugarcane cutters help harvest faster.

Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 10836510

A sugarcane cutter is a machinery used to harvest sugarcane, replacing the need for manual labor. As a result of the enormous sugarcane plantation lands, there is frequently a labor shortage, prompting companies to hire sugarcane cutters from outside. This lowers the cost of the apparatus and increases its efficiency. A cutter that carries cane without extracting its roots is simple to maintain and does not induce soil collapse, which might have a detrimental impact on future sugarcane farming. A cutter that shortens sugarcane pipes reduces room on the truck, allowing for more efficient crop delivery. Sugarcane cutters, in general, are a cost-effective alternative for sugarcane cultivation in large, large expanses.

And in my opinion, The advantage of using a sugarcane cutter is that it continuously and uniformly feeds and chops sugarcane into pieces, sugarcane falling down farms is reduced by a toothed belt designed to promote sugarcane cutting, sugarcane cutter will reduce the loss caused by cutting short and long stumps with a cutter, and sugarcane cutters' ability to cut sugarcane quickly in comparison to manual labor. Sugarcane cutters may also cut sugarcane plants efficiently and precisely. The stump has not been damaged.



Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Ai10

The most important economic question of the 21st century is: How should we prepare for the problem of more people wanting to work than job openings in the labor market? Because in the 21st century, many industries have changed their work patterns quite a lot. It is a result of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can replace humans in almost every task or may be better at many tasks. This is the same question that people in the 20th century had to answer during the second and third industrial revolutions. People in that era were worried that machines and computers would cause mass unemployment. But in the past, things that people feared never happened because the old job positions became obsolete. It will be replaced by new jobs. That's because human skills are always better at something than machines and computers. In this era, many research houses have predicted the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into modern industry. Will be able to create more job positions than in the past. The reason for the prediction that job positions are likely to increase is the most companies still want to employ a mix of manual work and AI technology because AI technology has strengths that humans cannot compete with. By tracking companies that employ many people each year around the world. It was found that many companies have applied AI technology to their business, resulting in a significant increase in business income, including:

1.AI in the sales and marketing industry: By selling products through E-commerce platforms.

2.AI in the manufacturing industry: The increase in the application of AI technology in manufacturing robots.

3.AI in the medical and health industry: The role of AI in becoming a part of healthcare according to PwC's assessment results.

4.AI in the gaming industry: The gaming industry has widely adopted AI technology. The role of AI spans the game design process and the game development process. as well as game maintenance.

5.AI in the transportation industry Nowadays, AI technology is increasingly being used in autonomous transportation systems.

6.AI in the financial services industry: From the employment announcement data, it was found that financial consulting companies

7.AI in the education sector: This is because the education industry is changing from the traditional offline learning format to online learning. 

8.AI in the entertainment industry has come to be greatly applied, especially by companies providing VDO Steaming services.

In addition to the above industries. The growth of AI technology as intelligent digital virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Bixby are becoming more intelligent and in increasing demand. Global IT companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung, and Amazon are spending billions of dollars to make intelligent digital assistants perform increasingly complex tasks.



53Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Apollo, A humanoid robot Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:23 pm


This is an innovation that helps improve labor productivity.

Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Humanoid-robot-apollo-nasa-assisting-humans-handling-hazardous-tasks-designboom-1

Apollo is a robotic humanoid. They could have an impact on a variety of industries and change the image of the industrial workforce. These are examples of how productivity and the workplace may be influenced by humanoid robots.

Possibility of Reshaping Work and Living: Integrating humanoid robots into our workplaces may have an impact on how we live and work. If humanoid robots and people can cooperate well, it may open up opportunities for human collaboration and productivity. This may have an impact on how society views the relationship between technology and the workplace.

Increased Labor: Humanoid robots are typically designed to work alongside humans, augmenting human capabilities, rather than taking over entirely. Through collaboration, production can be increased by combining the special abilities of robots and humans. A humanoid robot, for example, can handle difficult or dangerous jobs, freeing up human workers to focus on the more creative or complex aspects of their employment.

Efficiency and Precision: Humanoid robots are designed to perform jobs with excellent reliability and precision. This can lead to increased efficiency in tasks that need repetitive actions. Robots can function consistently and dependably for extended periods of time since they are not fatigued or in need of breaks.

In summary, Apollo is a humanoid robot that has the potential to transform industries by collaborating with people, working side by side with them, and changing the way society sees technology and labor. With their accuracy and ability to perform repetitive tasks without getting tired, these robots increase productivity and may even assist boost worker productivity.

Summarize by: Thanapohn Tangsiriprasert 6405804


The article discusses how China is facing developmental challenges in its economic structure due to international changes, leading to a shift from 'high-rate growth' to 'mid- to high-rate growth.' The "new normal" has prompted the Chinese government to focus on digital economy development as a key component of its national strategy. The world is experiencing a technological revolution, with emerging technologies like IoT, Internet, cloud computing, Big Data, and AI playing a crucial role in reshaping production factors and relations. The article emphasizes the transformative impact of these technologies on the global economy and China's focus on leveraging them to drive economic prosperity.

-Technological Revolution: The acknowledgment of a profound technological revolution aligns with global trends. Understanding that emerging technologies are integral to industrial, social, and national development emphasizes the need for nations to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

-Productivity Improvement: The article addresses the challenge of China's comparatively lower labor productivity, especially in certain industries. The role of the digital economy in significantly enhancing labor productivity, as indicated by research from U.S. consulting firms, highlights a practical solution for China's economic advancement.

In conclusion, the article provides insights into China's economic strategies in the face of evolving global dynamics, emphasizing the pivotal role of the digital economy and advanced technologies in shaping its future development and addressing challenges such as labor productivity.

Reference: Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Special-report-06-1


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 2023-10-04_120611-7bpipshuzfqd5nlmealgjodbie13n9slyp9rh12zsxs

Focus on Worker Well-being

Observation=The article highlights that many individuals working in the online food delivery sector face socio-economic precarity, with issues such as low earnings, limited work stability, and lack of benefits.

Potential Improvement for Labor Productivity=Improving the well-being of workers can enhance their job satisfaction and overall morale. Happy and healthy workers are likely to be more productive. Addressing issues like low earnings and work stability can contribute to a more motivated and committed workforce.

And about Customer Behavior and Empathy

Observation= The article emphasizes the need for consumers to cultivate a culture of respect and empathy toward delivery workers.

Potential Improvement for Labor Productivity= A positive and respectful interaction between customers and delivery personnel can contribute to a better working environment. When customers appreciate the challenges faced by delivery workers, they may be more understanding, leading to smoother transactions and potentially improved tips. Positive customer interactions can positively impact the mental well-being of workers.

In conclusion, the improvement of labor productivity in the online food delivery sector in Bangladesh can be achieved by addressing socio-economic challenges faced by workers, fostering a positive customer culture, enhancing safety measures and training, collaborating with insurance providers, implementing government regulations, and adopting fair and open rating systems. A holistic approach that considers the well-being of workers, customer relations, and industry regulations is essential for creating a sustainable and equitable working environment.


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Summary: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has increased the production limit for the active ingredient in ADHD drugs, including Ritalin and Concerta, from 41.8 million grams to 53.3 million grams in response to nationwide shortages. The adjustment aims to ensure an adequate and uninterrupted supply of methylphenidate to meet legitimate patient needs. Generic ADHD treatments, produced by various manufacturers, have faced shortages over the past year, starting with Adderall in 2022. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested the DEA to raise the production limit on August 10 to address the shortfall. Most ADHD medications are classified as controlled substances, making production controls challenging for companies to meet patient demand. The DEA declined to comment on the matter.

This would mean that the supply of ADHD drugs is increased which also would give people in society more access to the drug. If there is more AHDH drugs to the market people can be more productive at work. Because these drugs can boost your focus up to a day.


57Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Organizational Communication Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:46 pm


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Organisational-Communication-1024x683

Organizational communication theory is a field of study that explores how information flows within an organization and how communication impacts various aspects of organizational behavior, culture, structure, and effectiveness. It focuses on understanding the dynamics of communication in the workplace and its influence on employee behavior, decision-making, productivity, and overall organizational success.

There are several key theories and perspectives within organizational communication:

Classical Theory: Originating from the early 20th century, this theory emphasizes the formal structure of organizations and the importance of hierarchical communication channels. It focuses on principles of authority, specialization, and efficiency in communication.

Human Relations Theory: This theory emerged as a response to classical theories and emphasizes the importance of social interactions, relationships, and informal communication networks within organizations. It highlights the significance of employee satisfaction, motivation, and group dynamics.

Systems Theory: Viewing organizations as complex systems composed of interrelated parts, this theory examines how information flows through various subsystems within an organization. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of different departments or units.

Cultural Theory: This perspective focuses on the role of organizational culture in shaping communication patterns, norms, and values. It explores how shared beliefs, symbols, and rituals influence communication and behavior within the organization.

Critical Theory: This theory examines power dynamics, inequalities, and social structures within organizations. It analyzes how communication can perpetuate or challenge existing power structures and advocate for social justice and equality.

Network Theory: It focuses on communication networks within organizations, studying how information flows through formal and informal channels, and how these networks affect decision-making and innovation.

Diffusion of Innovation Theory: This theory explores how new ideas, technologies, or practices spread within organizations. It examines factors influencing the adoption and diffusion of innovations among employees.

Understanding these theories helps in analyzing communication patterns, designing effective communication strategies, improving organizational culture, resolving conflicts, enhancing leadership effectiveness, and fostering better relationships among employees. Organizational communication theories continue to evolve as workplaces, technology, and societal dynamics change, influencing how information is exchanged and understood within organizations.



Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Labor-productivity.asp-final-2c0d23a4f3544122969aacf8ef94ed49
Each country from the G7 kept decreasing the overall productivity of labor since 1951 as showed in the graph. To improve this problem, I think that free trade area could help. Since each country has its own unique economic outputs, for example, main product in Japan is motor vehicles meanwhile France's pharmaceutical products. Freely trading labor within the committed group member may increase the productivity of labor, as the amount of labor supply increases among the bigger economic size will increase the total amount of output produced from each domestic economy as well.

The reason that support this idea came from the statement said that "People in later generation tend to work on what's they interest more than what's pay their cost of living better" which implied that if there's any chances to get the dream job, new generation is likely to seek for that job more than those past time. From my point of view, it would be better if the business runs by the professional and experienced workers whom can be imported with high quality but cheaper import to enhance business's performance.

Another aspect to advocate this economic policy is because free trade area not only support labor demand but also the capital exchange. In case that domestic workers who want to stay in their home country, exchanges in capital such as machines, tools or even equipment would increase the higher amount of labor and total outputs in each country by the technology change.

Ref: (article)

Summary by Sarunnuch Skulphan 6405579

59Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Health and Wellness Programs Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:57 am


Wellness Programs can increase labor productivity

Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Ozwgometdbqbx54axhlg

Health and wellness programs at work can encourage workers to be healthier, and happier, and enhance positive productivity. This includes exercising or healthy eating behavior. These behaviors influence employees to miss fewer days of work and feel better about their jobs. Research has proposed that companies should prepare some extra money to invest in healthcare programs to attract customers to stay with the company. Wellness programs can benefit in terms of both physical and mental health. The research has shown that when the participants have experienced a wellness program, they feel more energized and productive. To make these programs work best, they need to be well-planned, include everyone, and be exciting so that more employees join in. In the end, when companies care about their employees' well-being, everyone benefits.

Reference: https://www[dot]ekincare[dot]com/blog/corporate-wellbeing/how-do-wellness-programs-increase-productivity-in-the-workplace#:~:text=Wellness%20programs%20can%20significantly%20increase,general%20physical%20and%20mental%20health[dot]

Udomchai Chunhasunthorn 6405591


I found a policy in a company, called Bitkub. The pocilies make worker want to work and most comfortable. From the following policies

1. At Bitkub's office, there are snacks waiting every day! instant noodles and delicious things Available at the office every day.
2. Food allowance: Bitkub therefore has benefits to support food costs for all employees to choose for themselves through stores in leading delivery applications.
3. Bitkub has time off . Birthdays and leave for LGBTQA+
4. Working in Hybrid Working style, able to remote work and choose days to come work at the office, but this depends on the position and the team that comes to work. It is a mutual agreement that you can come in any day. Because working here is quite flexible, you can work from other places on other days.

In summary, this is a modern way of working that improves work efficiency.


61Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Line man Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:19 pm


Line Man's application can enhance labor productivity from a firm perspective in Thailand in several ways. The currently NEWS from Thairath shows LINE MAN expanded its food delivery business to all 77 provinces of Thailand. Trang Province is the province with the highest number of food delivery services in the southern region. The number of orders on LINE MAN increased by 64% and the number of users increased by 73%, helping to increase income for more than 7,000 restaurants in the province.

Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Flineman.line

Here is the analysis from the NEWS why Line Man improve labor productivity by firm perspectives.

1. **Efficient Delivery Operations:** Businesses using Line Man for delivery services can streamline their logistics and delivery operations. This efficiency can lead to quicker order fulfillment, reducing idle time and optimizing the use of human resources involved in the delivery process.

2. **Focus on Core Competencies:** By outsourcing delivery services to Line Man, businesses can focus on their core competencies, such as food preparation or product manufacturing. This specialization allows firms to allocate resources effectively and improve overall productivity.

3. **Wider Customer Reach:** Line Man's platform provides businesses with an extended reach to customers who prefer delivery services. This expanded customer base can lead to increased sales, contributing to revenue growth and business sustainability.

4. **Data-Driven Insights:** Line Man's application likely provides businesses with valuable data and analytics on customer preferences, delivery times, and order patterns. By leveraging this information, firms can make informed decisions to further optimize their operations and enhance productivity.

5. **Adaptation to Digital Trends:** Embracing Line Man aligns businesses with digital trends and consumer preferences for online services. This adaptability can be crucial for staying competitive and maintaining relevance in a changing market landscape.

Reference :


How robot is important?

In conclusion, the integration of robotics in manufacturing is revolutionizing productivity on multiple fronts. By reducing cycle times and operating continuously without the need for rest, robots significantly accelerate production, leading to substantial savings in labor costs. This economic efficiency allows manufacturers to expand operations without the burden of additional salary expenses.

Furthermore, the strategic use of robotic technology goes beyond mere cost reduction. Automation of repetitive tasks not only improves labor productivity but also enhances employee morale by redirecting workers to more skill-demanding and fulfilling responsibilities. According to estimates by the Boston Consulting Group, the widespread adoption of advanced robots by 2025 is anticipated to elevate productivity by up to 30 percent in various industries, concurrently reducing total labor costs by 18 percent or more in major exporting countries like the US, China, Japan, and Germany.

Contrary to the misconception that robotic technology is exclusive to large corporations, its affordability is on the rise. As more companies enter the robotics market, costs have significantly decreased over the past three decades, making even smaller industrial robots accessible to most businesses. For instance, British firm Automata offers small articulated industrial robots for as little as £8,000, making robotic technology a viable option for cost-effective growth, especially among smaller enterprises.

Moreover, the introduction of industrial robots ensures a higher level of production quality characterized by precision and reliability. The ability to maintain consistent high-quality performance enables manufacturers to scale up production without compromising on the excellence of their products.

Beyond economic and quality benefits, the deployment of robots in manufacturing promotes a shift towards more high-value jobs. By automating repetitive and potentially hazardous tasks, robots safeguard workers while freeing up human resources for more value-adding aspects of the business. This creates opportunities for the development of highly skilled roles such as engineers, programmers, data analysts, and other specialized positions, contributing to a more diversified and sophisticated workforce in the manufacturing sector.



Arrow The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: Meta-analysis of psychological mediators and individual consequences Embarassed

The psychological effects and individual consequences of telecommuting. Understanding the psychological aspects of telecommuting is crucial for designing policies and practices that can improve labor productivity. Here's how such research could contribute:

1. Insights into Employee Well-being: The article may provide insights into how telecommuting affects the well-being of employees. Understanding factors that contribute to employee satisfaction and engagement is crucial for designing policies that enhance productivity.

2. Identification of Positive and Negative Factors: By conducting a meta-analysis, the authors likely synthesized findings from various studies. This can help identify both positive and negative factors associated with telecommuting, allowing organizations to reinforce positive aspects and address potential challenges.

3. Policy Design and Implementation: Knowledge of the psychological mediators involved in telecommuting can inform the design and implementation of telecommuting policies. For example, it may suggest the importance of clear communication channels, virtual team-building activities, or strategies to mitigate feelings of isolation.

4. Managerial Guidelines: The research might offer insights for managers on how to support remote teams effectively. This could include guidance on communication strategies, performance evaluation, and fostering a sense of belonging among remote employees.

5. Addressing Potential Challenges: If the meta-analysis identifies challenges associated with telecommuting, organizations can use this information to proactively address issues. This might involve investing in technology, training programs, or support systems to overcome obstacles.

Applying the insights from psychological research on telecommuting can contribute to the development of workplace policies that promote a positive work environment, employee satisfaction, and, consequently, increased labor productivity.


64Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Fruit and vegetable harvesting robots Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:59 pm


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Fruit and vegetable harvesting robots are an emerging technology in the agricultural sector that aims to automate the process of harvesting fruits and vegetables. These robots are designed to perform tasks traditionally carried out by human labor, such as picking, sorting, and packing crops. The development of Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting Robots is driven by the need to address challenges in the agricultural industry, including labor shortages, rising labor costs, and the demand for increased efficiency. Fruit and vegetable harvesting robots offer several advantages that can contribute to the improvement of labor productivity and address challenges associated with traditional manual harvesting methods. Here are some reasons why these robots can help enhance labor:

1. Labor Shortages: In many regions, there is a shortage of seasonal agricultural labor, especially during peak harvesting periods. Harvesting robots can help fill this gap by automating tasks that would traditionally require a significant number of human workers.

2. Efficiency and Speed: Harvesting robots are designed to work continuously and efficiently, often at a faster pace than human workers. They can navigate through fields, identify ripe fruits or vegetables, and perform harvesting tasks quickly. This speed can contribute to higher overall productivity.

3. Precision and Accuracy: Robots are equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and machine learning algorithms that enable them to identify and pick ripe produce with high precision. This reduces the risk of damage to crops and ensures a higher-quality harvest.

4. 24/7 Operations:Unlike human workers who have limitations in terms of working hours and endurance, harvesting robots can operate 24/7 without the need for breaks. This continuous operation can lead to increased efficiency and a more timely harvest.

5. Consistency in Quality: Robots maintain a consistent level of performance in terms of harvesting quality. They are not affected by factors such as fatigue, distractions, or variations in skill levels that can impact the quality of manual harvesting.

6. Labor Cost Savings: While the initial investment in harvesting robots may be significant, the long-term cost savings can be substantial. Over time, the use of robots can lead to reduced labor costs, especially in regions where labor is expensive or scarce.

7. Adaptability to Various Crops: Harvesting robots can be designed and programmed to work with different types of crops. Their adaptability makes them versatile and suitable for various agricultural environments.

8. Reduced Physical Strain on Workers: Harvesting is a physically demanding task, and prolonged manual labor can lead to fatigue and potential health issues for workers. The use of robots helps reduce the physical strain on human workers, contributing to better working conditions.

9. Data Collection and Monitoring: Harvesting robots often come equipped with sensors and data collection capabilities. This information can be used for monitoring crop health, yield prediction, and overall farm management, providing valuable insights for farmers.

The adoption of Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting Robots represents a technological advancement that can revolutionize traditional farming practices, leading to increased productivity, economic efficiency, and sustainability in the agricultural sector.


65Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Telemedicine Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:40 pm


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 GrjH4AAAAASUVORK5CYII%3d
Telemedicine provides patients with remote clinical services via telecommunication technology.
This is how telemedicine helps improve labor productivity:

1. Telemedicine can reduce administrative tasks and allow doctors to effectively treat more patients in a day.

2. It reduces travel time and cost for patient and doctor, allowing patients who have time and budget limitations to conveniently seek medical care. This generates more time for doctors to treat their patients and disturbing less on patient working hours.

3. With accessible health care, there would be less health complications in the labor and lead to an increase in productivity.

4. When the in-person appointment is reduced, some sections in the facilities such as examination rooms can be decreased and the freed up space can be used for more important procedures.

Telemedicine reduces inefficiencies and time that is required for receiving medical care, this can help improve overall labor productivity.


66Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty 3D Printing In Manufacturing Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:56 pm


3D Printing In Manufacturing
Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Leitbild-3-d-printing

What is 3D Printing
3D printing is like building with digital Lego blocks. It creates objects layer by layer using a computer design, opposite to cutting away material. This method allows for complex shapes with less material than traditional manufacturing.

How 3D printing paves the way for innovation in manufacturing
3D printing is a cool technology that helps people make things faster and cheaper. Unlike traditional methods, it allows designers to just send a digital file to a printer instead of creating expensive tools. This makes it super flexible for trying out new ideas and making products that fit what people want.

It's not just for regular stuff; it's changing industries. In healthcare, it's used to make customized prosthetics and even helped during the pandemic by making face shields and ventilator parts. In cars, 3D printing creates special seats and spare parts. Aerospace companies are starting to use it for making lighter and cheaper airplane parts. Even in energy, it's cutting costs for making solar panels and turbine blades. Sports gear is getting better too, with custom helmets, snowboard bindings, baseball glove inserts, and bike saddles all made with 3D printing. So, it's not just printing – it's printing a whole new way of making things

How 3D Printing improve labor productivity
3D printing can improve labor productivity by reducing setup times, enabling customization, minimizing waste, and providing on-demand production, ultimately streamlining manufacturing processes.


67Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Delivery Drone Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:18 pm


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Dhl-starts-drone-delivery-startet-drohnen-lieferung-in-china-2019-02

Drone delivery is an alternative to traditional mail trucks or courier services, which involves using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) to carry products from retailers to customers. Drones are able to fly remotely and independently, which makes them a flexible and maybe faster way to transport cargo.

Compared to traditional land or air transportation, drone delivery has the potential for significantly faster delivery times. This fast delivery is in line with the rising demand from customers for accurately delivery of orders in the current digital era.. Also drones are excellent at getting to hard-to-reach places, such remote areas or areas with rough terrain. By addressing the inefficiencies that come with using standard delivery trucks, this feature makes it possible to transport products more effectively, even in locations that are harder to reach. However, this technology is not fully developed, which means that there are cases where the delivery might not reach the customer. For example, a drone could be hacked by malicious individuals, or it could experience errors on its own but in the long run it could have work out.

In conclusion, if we compare the benefits that we have and the risk that the company have to take I belive that delivery drone can help to increase labor productivity because In delivery bussiness it's all about consistancy in time and delivery drones have the capability to achieve this.

Reference : https://www.insiderintelligence(dot)com/insights/drone-delivery-services/

68Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty Results-Oriented Work Environment (ROWE) Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:54 pm


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Visual10

Results-Oriented Work Environment (ROWE) is an HR strategy that pays employees for work output rather than hours. It removes the requirement for fixed hours of work and gives freedom in project management. ROWE is most effective when tasks are easily measurable, helping managers to measure workers' performance.

At the moment, ROWE are becoming more and more popular as companies try to attract and keep professional employees. Since, this strategy focuses on performance and flexibility, employees could work perfectly within a well-being work environment, like remote work.

Businesses that use ROWE, including Best Buy and WATT Global Media, mention important benefits like cost savings, higher output, and enhanced morale. Following the implementation of ROWE, Best Buy, a Fortune 100 company, reported a 90% decrease in turnover rates and a 41% improve in productivity.

In conclusion, as ROWE depends on employee and business knowledge, it might not be appropriate for every organization. Nevertheless, ROWE has the potential to have a major impact on overall financial performance as well as productivity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction when implemented properly.


6405806 Pattranit Buarapa


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 26112011

Offering tax incentives for research and development (R&D) is an innovation that can help improve labor productivity in a country. According to a study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business,  lowering the cost of R&D by 10% increases investment in long-term innovation by 10%. There are many reasons why it can improve labor productivity. For example,

When businesses receive tax benefits for investing in R&D activities, it may motivate them to create and develop new technologies or processes that improve production efficiency and quality. Moreover, tax incentives can attract more skilled workers and researchers to relocate to the country. R&D workers have higher wages and productivity than other workers, and they can also generate spillovers to other sectors and firms via knowledge diffusion and collaboration, helping firms choose the best R&D projects based on their own needs and capabilities.

For instance, the United States has implemented various tax incentives to promote R&D. The Research and Development Tax Credit allows businesses to claim credit for R&D expenses, encouraging companies to participate in innovative projects. This promotes a culture of continuous improvement and technological advancement, leading to increased labor productivity.

Author: Raksanalee Chanawiwat


Last edited by 6405620 on Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Foreign-talent-policy-in-support-of-thailand-strategy-002-849x768

Attracting highly skilled foreign workers is one policy that helps increase labor productivity in terms of labor quality. To develop the industry in the country and reduce the concentration of people working in large cities. Labor should enhance their skills to be an option for employers worldwide, the labor mentioned is workers who receive a salary of more than 15,000 baht per month, where the workers work mainly in the construction industry, such as technicians, skilled workers, and also worker who work in other fields, whether it be service lines, IT, or sales staff.

The government sector has taken several actions related to attracting highly skilled foreign workers. 

1. The Department of Employment has facilitated visa and work permit services for foreign workers 
They try to set up a visa and work permit service center, One Stop Service. It provides services and convenience to those applying for permission according to immigration laws and foreign working laws. If the request is correct and complete, the staff will take action for you to complete it within 3 hours of receiving the request. The center is a one-stop center for providing services to foreigners.
who are skilled craftsmen or experts working in the Kingdom legally

2. Smart VISA policy
It is the licensing of foreigners who are highly skilled experts, investors, high-ranking executives Entrepreneurs, start-up enterprises, and more to promote investment and attract personnel with high knowledge and ability to come to work which will bring benefits to develop the economy of the country. SMART VISA recipients will be allowed to stay in the Kingdom for a maximum of 4 years and can request to stay for a maximum of 4 years without having to obtain a work permit and be allowed to postpone the reporting period from normal every 90 days to every year.

3. Tax Incentives
Tax deduction is another policy to attract top global talent to work in the target industries according to the Eastern Economic Corridor Development Project EEC. The government tries to reduce personal income tax for executives, experts, and researchers doing business in 10 target industries in 3 provinces (Chonburi, Rayong, and Chachoengsao) to 17 percent of assessable income. Such measures provide incentives for highly skilled administrators, experts, and researchers to work in the EEC area, which will help to transfer knowledge, abilities, and various technologies to Thai people

However, some rules and regulations may hinder the entry of highly skilled workers.
For example, the criteria for considering the issuance of work permits to foreigners at the skilled/expert level will take into account career opportunities for Thai people and the need for foreign workers necessary for national development.


Author: Nonthiphat Phattanasuttinon 6405548

Last edited by 6405548 on Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


Because of the informal sector,modern formal firms find it difficult to obtain resources and/or capture market share. Furthermore, the informal sector isn't taxed by the government. This implies that the larger informal sector means the lesser income of the government. Subsequently, the government may increase amount of taxes such as the income taxes. With the income tax increases, the level of labor supply will drop down. Thus, the productivity of labor will decrease. So, to solve this problem, the government first priority is to reducing the size of the informal sector by lower the social securities premium for the formal sector.

ref: 1.

72Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 Empty 4-day Workweek Makes You More Productivity Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:59 pm


4-day Workweek makes you more productivity!!!

Online Discussion #2: The Global Productivity Slowdown - Page 3 QmxvZy0xNDk2Mg

Whoever hates Monday, please raise your hand. We are Friday lovers then, TGIF. One of the reasons might be we will have another continue 5-day period, or 6-day, without any break. Hence, it is my opion that 4-day workweek might increase our productivity.

According to Jennifer Jiu (2023), there was 4-day workweek experiment by the companies in the UK for a period of 6 months from June to December 2023. 92% of the companies says that they are continuing 4-day workweek. As for employees, 90% said they would like to continue working four days a week, 55% said they had increased productivity, and 15% said money couldn't buy them back to a five-day schedule. Reduced stress and more personal time lead to healthy and wellbeing outcomes such as mental health improves, exercise more, and sleep easier. Additionally, employees with children can spend time with their children, which has implications outside the company, especially for young children.


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