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Starbucks unveils plan to add 17,000 locations by 2030

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As part of starbuck's new strategy called "Triple Shot Reinvention Strategy," it has unveiled a $3 billion cost-cutting plan. Reducing expenses associated with goods will account for the remaining $1 billion in savings, with store efficiency being the primary driver. By the end of its fiscal year in 2025, Starbucks intends to have doubled the hourly wage of its baristas. More information on this strategy will be released later. This news coincides with unionization attempts at more than 350 Starbucks stores, along with claims of labor violations that the company disputes.

What's the important of this article
From my point of view, Starbuck is one of the worldwide coffee businesses. This news may important to us as a customer in term of their economic impact such as a larger amount of employment rate, shareholder or even their suppliers.

This circumstance also leads to more competitive economy which is also good for us as a consumer in the way that we can have more alternative choices to choose and a better improvement for which we consumed in. Moreover, this means that the domestic economy will be boosted up as well due to the higher economic activities.


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