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Baht hits two-month high

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1Baht hits two-month high  Empty Baht hits two-month high Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:49 pm


The article addresses the causes of the surge, which include rising the Fed and effective export performance in Thailand, which have raised investor confidence and optimism. The recent increase in value of Thai Baht is said to be indicative of the nation's economic stability and appeal to foreign investors. It also mentions that the Thai central bank and government are keeping a close watch on Thai Baht's movements to make sure they don't affect the nation's export competitiveness.

Why is this news interesting
This news reported an important information for Thai people such as an increase in exchange range from THB to USD, the increase in unemployment rate from 3.8% (prediction) to 3.9% (reality) and a decrease in amount of payroll from 180k to 150k

That's why this circumstance supports an increase of exporting competitiveness in Thailand. Thai labors tend to move out from the country to find more opportunities in the oversea. Meanwhile, when 1 USD can exchange more amount of THB, meaning that foreigners want to visit Thailand and consume our goods and services more than the past.

We may apply this information to our businesses, for example, planning the business's strategy to focus more on foreigners like their preferences or even especially adjust the price discrimination for foreigners.

From my point of view, we also have to promote and support domestic workers as well as we did to the foreign workers. The government can improve the public welfare or adjust the payroll's minimum ceiling.

wwwbangkokpostcom/business/general/2679529/baht-hits-two-month-high]Bangkok Post

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